Thursday, September 14, 2017

Youth Stereotypes

“No one likes teenagers. Only someone with something wrong inside wants to be around them that much.” (Steinberg, 3)

This quote is a perfect example of stereotyping youth because to say no one wants to be around a young person is just CRAZY!!! Being a young person no matter which stage you are at can be difficult, however that goes for adulthood as well. We all have good and bad days which can result in mistreating someone, but just like any stereotype, they aren't good because it never goes for everything or anyone... EVER. This statement is referring to teens as always having "something wrong."  It would be impossible to be a youth worker and have that mind set because we would then be judging people and not as open minded as we should be at all.

"Youth are a distinct age based entity" (Bogad, 5)

This quote makes me upset in many different ways and I wanted to express that in my blog because I am comfortable with all of you and you knowing where I stand.  As Lesley explains, after a horrible event such as the columbine shooting, there were many articles explaining and asking the question of how well you knew your kid.  The headlines of these articles were making it seem like our generation of kids had a problem, one of the headlines being something like "what is wrong with Americas youth." Not all youth is headed for downfall or set up for failure and I think part of that thought stems from change and how differently we do thinks than adults did when they were youth. 

"Youth are known as mysterious and puzzling to adults" (Bogad, 4)

Conversations we have with our friends and even some family are completely different than conversations adults now used to have.  Ours involve sex and drugs verses what Lesley states as more sophisticated thoughts like work, health, and money. It is confusing because at this time people believe that we have a different state of judgment which forms the stereotype that "people shouldn't listen to young adults because they are mysterious and puzzling


"You are too young to worry about that"

This quote connects to stereotyping youth, to me because I feel like I get told this a lot.  My argument is, if I am too young now to worry about it, then when is the right time? I am a planner, therefore if I am worrying about something that is not coming up for a while, chances are I am going to worry about it until there is a plan set in place.  


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

youth work characteristics

Blog # 1
Youth work characteristics

There are so many different qualities and characteristics to a great youth worker.  According to Youth Work: Preparation for practice, an book introduction written by Jason Wood, Sue Westwood, and Gill Thompson, there are key characteristics that define a youth worker. The characteristics are, seeing youth work as an educational, social, and welfare practice, actively challenging inequalities and working towards social justice, choosing to involve the young people, seeking to strengthen young peoples voices and influences, and working holistically with young people.

Youth work is educational practice because it opens and has trusting relationships to promote an environment of learning.  It also uses different methods and activities for informal education and learning to create a learning relationship among peers and advocates. Lastly, it creates opportunities, activites, and conversations that enable young people to think, feel and act differently in their social world.

Youth work is a social practice because it promotes working in groups in order for young people to engage and associate with their peers. Youth work engages in pro social modeling which is a group environment that enables young people to test their values, attitudes, and behaviors.

Youth work actively challenges inequality and work towards social justice because it is geared toward the social injustice of the margins of people that are excluded by personal, cultural, and structural barriers.  Youth workers are people who actually stand up for someone and are a voice no matter the environment you are in. 

Youth work strengthens the voice and influence of young people.  They have a huge impact in the area / community that they live in.  Empowerment is recognized and admired when a youth worker is making change. 
Youth work is welfare practice because it promotes the welfare and safety of young people.  Youth workers are exposed to youth who are deprived of the resources that we use everyday to survive.  There is always problem solving and positive next steps in the mind of a youth worker.  
Youth workers work with young people holistically because they have a well rounded understanding of where a lot of them are coming from and that is so important when working with youth. 

All of these characteristics make an exceptional youth worker for kids to look up to and follow as a guide through life. 

Event 2: Smash your insecurities

                                            One day when Nat, Sam and I were walking out of allied to see what events were on campus we c...